Overwatch 2 has avoided the pitfall that ruined Battlefield and Call of Duty by sticking to its guns.
Elden Ring’s game-changing 1.07 update buffed one Ash of War way too much.
Apex Legends’ new map, Broken Moon, will dramatically change the way players travel.
Party like it’s 1999 with the next N64 titles coming to Nintendo Switch Online—and don’t forget your protective glove!
Battlefield 2042’s class reworks will dramatically change how some characters play.
Apex Legends’ next hero will have a lot of utility, based on the new season’s cinematic launch trailer.
Battlefield 2042’s next patch will let players host persistent servers, but only if they have the premium battle pass.
The Xbox Elite Series 2 controller has come to Design Lab, but be careful before you get to check out that you aren’t accidentally paying more than you should be.
Apex Legends’ next season will bring a new Legend, a new map, and gifting to the game on November 1st.