Unlock all 24 cosmetics to earn the Showstoppers.
Apex Legends’ next event brings back Control with some key quality-of-life changes, as well as a ton of cosmetics.
Correct ranked rewards are now rolling out to players.
EA and Respawn Entertainment have released the full patch notes for Apex Legends’ 13th season, titled Saviors. The banner addition, of course, is the new legend Newcastle, aka Bangalore’s long-lost brother, aka guy who’s way too into shields. (In case you missed it, a trailer last week gave us a rundown of his abilities.) As […]
Time to go medieval on those other squads.
This dude is really, really into shields.
Apex Legends’ latest point of interest is a massive, explorable kaiju corpse.
Respawn wants to make sure you feel super guilty every time you kill Newcastle.
Respawn has released a launch trailer showing us a glimpse at what awaits in lucky—or unlucky—Apex Legends Season 13.
The Flashpoint limited-time mode is back alongside new cosmetics.