Pick up Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel for free.
Nintendo has shared the full lineup of titles making their Nintendo Switch debut this week.
You’ll be hanging ’em high in the next Borderlands 3 expansion.
Two phases of changes are planned for Borderlands 3’s Mayhem 2.0.
Changes have been made to legendary and Anointed drop rates in Mayhem Mode.
Borderlands 3 is getting a major update on April 23rd, and developer Gearbox Software has detailed the new content coming with the patch.
For a limited time, Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition is free to play.
Mr. Torgue’s Slaughter Onslaught and Making it Rain events begin today.
Gearbox is making more changes to Moze, The Gunner.
The latest hotfix for Borderlands 3 is full of buffs and events.