Kojima Productions is teaming up with Barbarian’s executive producer to bring Death Stranding to the silver screen.
It what came as an admittedly surprising reveal, Hideo Kojima is continuing the story of Sam, Fragile, and BB in Death Stranding 2.
Norman Reedus once again leaked the existence of a Death Stranding sequel.
An expanded version of Death Stranding is now available.
A $10 upgrade is available for existing owners.
The expanded re-release won’t be a PlayStation 5 exclusive for much longer.
Take a four-and-a-half minute trip down memory lane in 4K with the last trailer for Death Stranding Director’s Cut before it launches.
During a roundtable for The Walking Dead, Norman Reedus let slip that a sequel to Death Stranding may be happening.
A new trailer for Death Stranding Director’s Cut shows off far more additions coming to the game than anyone was expecting.