Get an extended look at Borderlands 3’s third campaign add-on.
2K and Gearbox have delayed the release of Borderlands 3’s next Takedown.
Pick up Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel for free.
Nintendo has shared the full lineup of titles making their Nintendo Switch debut this week.
You’ll be hanging ’em high in the next Borderlands 3 expansion.
A number of 2K titles are arriving on Nintendo Switch May.
The latest PlayStation Store sale discounts Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Rage 2, and more.
Gearbox has shared details about new endgame content for Borderlands 3 called the Proving Grounds.
Borderlands Game of the Year Edition is free to play on PlayStation 4 this weekend.
FL4K is on a never-ending hunt in Borderlands 3.