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Final Fantasy XIV’s Make It Rain Campaign returns next week

Square Enix has announced that Final Fantasy XIV’s Make It Rain Campaign will be returning to the game next week on October 21st.

The event will be live until November 20th and bumps up the amount of MGP awarded in the Gold Saucer by 50 percent. Players can also pick up a number of items at a discounted price, including the Crystal Tower Striker, Monster Toss machine, and Cuff-a-Cur machine furnishings.

“And for those saddened by the absence of All Saints’ Wake this year, the Continental Circus will be sending a special representative to the Gold Saucer,” Square Enix added. “Seek out the genial guiser, and accept your invitation to the Haunted Manor masquerade!”

To begin this year’s quest and earn the new “Consider” emote, head to Ul’dah – Steps of Nald and speak to Nanaphon.

In other Final Fantasy XIV-related news, a new update was pushed live for the game yesterday that introduced a new stage in the Save the Queen questline and the Bozjan Southern Front instanced content.

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