While it feels like a step down from Until Dawn, The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan still serves up some compelling thrills and chills.
Astral Chain is loud, brash, exciting, and, in the end, a warning about the dangers of unquestioned loyalty.
A thought-provoking look at surveillance, delivered not through soapbox lecture but by forcing you, unsettlingly, to participate.
Bucking the trend of “bigger, badder, louder, faster,” Samurai Shodown is a return to the glory days of SNK’s beloved sword-slashing fighting franchise.
Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled is at once a joyful and joyless recreation of a stone-cold classic.
Super Mario Maker 2 will please both dedicated level-builders and newcomers.
Making a spin-off to a beloved niche series that then drops its most popular character seemed like a crazy idea at first.