Just what is Infinity Ward trying to say?
In Hotline Miami, Katana Zero, My Friend Pedro, and real life, doing bad things is your fault—even when it isn’t.
The Dotemu CEO on the challenges and rewards of resurrecting old games and franchises.
It all comes down to two things: participation and limitation.
The manga artist has had an outsized influence, both direct and indirect, on spooky gaming.
Be kind, rewind, slowly lose your mind.
Exploring the past, present, and future of Bloodborne’s Return to Yahrnam.
The fate of Koholint doesn’t have to be tragic or meaningless.
For 15 years, Tommy Tallarico has offered gaming fans a new way to appreciate the music of the medium.
A wave of independent developers, not triple-A studios, have become the biggest driving force behind the rise of the throwback shooter.