The official solution took four years to arrive. Altimor made his in just two days.
Meet the interactivists.
The post-apocalypse is a fantasy of rebirth. It’s no coincidence that Fallout’s recurring motif of eyes adjusting to the light, seeing a new world and a new destiny, mirror that idea exactly. Rebirth is an alluring concept, especially to us humans so burdened with responsibility: Post-apocalypses grant both a freedom and a new frontier in […]
Charles Zembillas on his iconic designs and more.
Cashing in on criticism.
More than a quarter-century after it first launched, the mech-powered universe is in the midst of a gaming revival.
Learning to value my mistakes freed me as an artist.
There will never be another game like Battlfield: Bad Company 2 ever again.
The 80 Days and Sable writer opens up about her “mystical” process, rooting out white supremacy, and being a reluctant role model.
What depictions of warfare, rendered as entertainment, teach us through their visual language.