Gears 5 makes further adjustments to the series’ most iconic weapons
Despite being the most iconic weapons in the series, Gears 5 still hasn’t perfected the balance of the Lancer and Gnasher. That’s why developer The Coalition has made further adjustments to both weapons in a recent update.
The launch of Operation 3 brought with it mostly well received changes to Gears 5‘s movement system, as well as some fine-tuning with the Lancer and Gnasher. However, these changes brought with it some issues—namely, that the Lancer became too powerful and the Gnasher became too inconsistent. According to update notes that went live yesterday, The Coalition has brought the Lancer more in line with its Gears of War 3 and Gears 4 counterparts while improving the Gnasher’s consistency by increasing its “bullet magentism.”
After increasing the Lancer’s clip size, the series’ iconic automatic weapon became too potent with Gears 5‘s recoil system. With this latest update, the Lancer now has an increased accuracy bloom of 28 percent, which brings it in line with the more classic support version of the weapon. If you’re in the right range, you can still down and finish an enemy with one hit, but it won’t be as powerful at longer ranges.
As for the Gnasher shotgun, its hipfire bullet magnetism is being extended from 6 meters to 8 meters, which was its original value before the Operation 3 update. Its gib system (the range at which you can one-shot an enemy) is also being reverted to a “closest pellet impact point” system that Gears 5 launched with, as an unintended bug with its new “model origin point” system was causing players to “step into gib range” based on inputs and the way the system predicted player movement. In other words, the game was calculating gibs that weren’t there by basically predicting the future incorrectly. The Coalition is turning this system off until it can discover a fix for this issue.
If you’d like to learn more about these changes or give feedback, The Coaltion is hosting a developer stream today, April 17th, at 3 p.m. PT. You can find the details for that on The Coalition’s official Twitter account.