Procedural generation runs the risk of erasing Fallujah.
The Spring Split marks the best time to get into the most accessible esport.
Heading for the mountaintop.
Watch Dogs Legion’s online mode is taking a more casual approach to Ubisoft’s usual live-service model.
We got a sneak-peek at Crimson Heist’s meta-disrupting operator and the changes that Ubisoft Montreal is making to tackle the game’s biggest challenges.
Remembering SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium’s legacy in honor of its return
Between Battlegrounds and Ticuu’s Divination, Season of the Chosen has turned me into a full-blown Destiny 2 devotee.
It’s difficult to gauge the quantifiable improvements in Remedy’s updated classic when what made the original so good was unquantifiable.
I’m glad to have Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game back—but we need to be honest about the game itself.
So far, Bowser’s Fury is stealing the show.