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The Elder Scrolls Online’s Undaunted Celebration begins this week

Zenimax Online has announced that the Undaunted Celebration will begin in The Elder Scrolls Online on November 18th.

During the event, which ends on November 30th, players will receive an Undaunted Reward Box everytime they defeat the final boss of a dungeon. These boxes can contain treasure maps, survey reports, valuables (to sell to vendors), crafting materials, motif style pages, Undaunted Keys, and more. Players can also get one Undaunted Reward Box a day by completing Bolgrul’s daily Undaunted delve quest.

Additionally, the first time a dungeon’s final boss is defeated each day, a Glorious Undaunted Reward Box will be dropped instead. This box is guaranteed to contain an Opal Weapon Style page alongside the rewards found in the normal version.

Players can also get an Opal Monster Mask Style page by defeating the final boss within certain dungeons on veteran hard mode. The following masks are available:

  • Chokethorn (Elden Hollow I)
  • Iceheart (Direfrost Keep)
  • Lord Warden (Imperial City Prison)
  • Nightflame (Elden Hollow II)
  • Swarm Mother (Spindleclutch I)

The Elder Scrolls Online is available now on PlayStation, Xbox, PC, and Stadia.

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