Datamined Elden Ring enemy has a big old magic tail
Given all of the enemies that we’ve seen since its closed network test, we’re willing to bet that Elden Ring still has a few tricks up its sleeve. This is a From Software game, after all.
Take, for example, Crucible Knight Floh, a new enemy that has appeared in a gameplay leak (via Gamesradar) from dataminer ER-SA. It’s apparently not enough that Crucible Knight Floh has one of the coolest looking shields we’ve ever seen in a From Software game and a helmet that would make Shovel Knight proud. No, this show-off also has a big old magic tail that they can use to whip you in the gosh darn face.
Floh is actually one of several Crucible Knights that players can find on the map. A video from AllisonByProxy shows off a similar looking (though less glowy and red) Crucible Knight in a different part of the map.
If an in-game description of the Crucible armor set remains true through launch, there will actually be 16 Crucible Knights to find throughout Elden Ring, as reported by Gamepur.
Crucible Knight Floh isn’t the only thing that ER-SA has datamined. They recently got a good, long look at Elden Ring‘s character creator, which functions almost exactly like their previous ones but also looks way better.
Elden Ring launches on February 25th for Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

Michael Goroff has written and edited for EGM since 2017. You can follow him on Twitter @gogogoroff.