With a dreadful career mode like this, it’s no wonder CM Punk walked out on the WWE.
An excellent “lost” Tales entry finally makes its way to the West on the PS Vita—but this remake isn’t quite all it could’ve been.
Far Cry 4’s locale may be new and unfamiliar, but its gameplay is anything but.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare takes the franchise into the future in more ways than one.
It’s nice that NBA 2K has some competition, but NBA Live 15 just isn’t up to snuff.
A solid basketball game at its core—but sabotaged by disastrous server issues.
Ridiculously punitive design decisions badly sabotage this sometimes-refreshing take on the Japanese strategy-role-playing game.
Priority One: Please don’t suck. All other considerations secondary.
Monolith Productions’ intricate open-world take on Tolkien is worth a look for all gamers, even if you don’t know what the heck a “Celebrimbor” is.