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Bless Unleashed open beta dated

Bandai Namco has announced that an open beta for upcoming free-to-play MMORPG Bless Unleashed will take place in November.

The beta will be available exclusively on Xbox One from November 7th through November 21st and includes a number of changes and improvements based on feedback collected from previous closed beta tests.

“We carefully went over all feedback–gathered from gameplay data, surveys and social media channels–with Bandai Namco, and had many long discussions on how improvements can and should be made,” Jason Park, head of development at Neowiz Round 8 Studio wrote in a blog post. “Some issues were simple to address, such as increasing sprint duration fixing a bug where the boss resets. Others were more complex–restructuring skills and modifying early quest flow, for example. All feedback helped us establish many improvement goals. The community was very vocal about its feelings toward the combat system in Bless Unleashed and overall game pacing.”

According to the developer, the open beta will feature a number of changes and improvements to combat, including an increase in in-combat speed, the removal of normal attacks interrupting combos, and a reduction in the stamina cost of sprint. There will also be further improvements made to overall stability and performance.

Read more about the changes included in the open beta here.

Bless Unleashed is scheduled to officially launch for Xbox One later this year.

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