XCOM: Chimera Squad is coming to PC next week
A new entry in the XCOM series, XCOM: Chimera Squad, will be released next week, publisher 2K has announced.
The standalone title is being developed by Firaxis Games and is set five years after the events of XCOM 2. Players will take control of Chimera Squad, an elite force of human, hybrid, and alien agents, as they attempt to stop the underground threats trying to bring down City 31.
Chimera Squad features a new Breach Mode combat phase, which lets players assign agents to different entry points, and an automatic initiative system that slots individual agents and enemies into an alternating turn order.
“We’re inspired by our passionate community and excited by the opportunity to create a dynamic, innovative, and unique XCOM experience for both fans of our games and new players in XCOM: Chimera Squad,” Steve Martin, president at Firaxis Games, said
“With XCOM: Chimera Squad, we felt there were exciting gameplay opportunities yet to be discovered within the XCOM universe,” Mark Nauta, lead designer at Firaxis Games, added. “Gameplay like Breach Mode, interleaved turn order, and the introduction of agents as fully fleshed-out characters will revolutionize how the game plays while still retaining the combat experience that makes the XCOM series so loved by gaming communities around the world.”
XCOM: Chimera Squad launches for PC on April 24th for an introductory price of $9.99. The game’s price will increase to $19.99 on May 1st.

Matt is one of the longest-serving members of the EGMNOW team. An ability to go many hours without sleep and a quick wit make him ideal for his role as associate editor at EGMNOW.com. He often thinks back to the days when the very idea of this career seemed like nothing but an impossible dream.