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Warface: Breakout’s fourth season brings improvements to sniper rifles

The fourth season of tactical shooter Warface: Breakout is now available on PlayStation and Xbox, publisher My.Games has announced.

The first thing in the “Riot” season is an improvement for sniper rifles that introduces realistic lenses for scopes. With these new scopes, players will no longer see the space around the scope turn dark while aiming, giving them more awareness of their surroundings.

Players also get five new challenges to complete and 45 levels of seasonal progression to work through. On their way to level 45, players will receive three new knives, 18 weapon skins, seven avatars, a bomb skin, five stickers, a victory pose, two upgradeable armor sets, and 10 stripes.

In addition to the above, the Riot Cosmetic Pack has been added to the store. The premium pack is only available during the Riot season and includes the Spring Rabbit (Reaper) and Alpha Wolf (Warden) character skins, as well as the Toxic (LWRC SMG-45) and Tear Gas (Desert Tech MDR-C) weapon skins, and the Bloodgrinder knife.

Warface: Breakout is available now on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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