This guide will help you find the artifact tied to the trophy “So Great and Small,” with a detailed description of the item’s location and images to help you track it down yourself.
Spoiler warning: While the guide does not directly discuss any events of the game’s story, the descriptions and images may spoil some locations and characters. Proceed at your own risk.
In the Downtown chapter of Seattle Day 1, look for the large collapsed tower on your left as you first enter. This is where the bank is located. There’s a tunnel that allows you to walk in and drop down into the interior of the bank.
Once inside, you’ll need to deal with some infected. After they’re all dead, head into the room all the way across from the entrance, with safety deposit boxes and a decomposed body with a satchel. Open the satchel, and you’ll find a note containing the code for the bank vault: 60-23-06.

Open the bank vault using the code, and then head in.

There’s an open safety deposit box on the right-hand wall, hidden behind a cart with piles of cash on it.

Pull out the drawer, and look inside. Here’s the collectible you need to complete the trophy: a ring with a familiar-looking engraving.

Need help finding more collectibles in The Last of Us Part II? We’ve got a similar guide for the “Relic of the Sages” trophy, as well as illustrated guides for the trading cards and coins. Finally, we have a general guide with collectible hunting tips.