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Square Enix’s Project Athia will be console exclusive on PS5 for at least two years

When Square Enix revealed its mysterious and visually impressive new game codenamed Project Athia a handful of months ago, we knew it would be console exclusive to PlayStation 5 for a set amount of time. Now, we know more about how long exactly that’ll be.

Posted today on the official PlayStation Youtube page, the “New and Upcoming Games” trailer showcases, unsurprisingly, new and upcoming games for Sony’s next-generation console.

As part of the video, we get a quick look at Project Athia, and the video has an interesting footnote on it:

In development for PS5.
Also available on PC. Not available on other consoles until at least 24 months after release date.

So—boy. That’s a heck of a period of exclusivity. It’s hard to imagine that Square Enix won’t want to bring Project Athia to Xbox Series X/S as well, given the development costs for next-gen games, and the fact that the console install base will still be relatively small.

It’s going to take a while to get to that point, though.

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