Red Dead Online players get specialist XP bonuses, new clothing options
Rockstar has revealed this week’s selection of bonuses and discounts for Red Dead Online players.
For the next week, players will be able to take advantage of a 40 percent bonus to XP and Role XP for the Moonshiner, Bounty Hunter, Trader, and Collector roles. In addition, Collectors can locate the Chocolate Daisy, Yellow Gold Diamond Ring, and the Two of Cups Tarot Card to complete the Lovers Collection for Madam Nazar.
The Wheeler Rawson and Co. Catalogue has also been updated this week with some new clothing options. For a limited time, the Morning Tail, Irwin, and Eberhart Coats, as well as the Furred and Woodland Gloves will be available. While the Charleston and Reaves Top Hats and the men’s Caugherty Shirt have been permanently added.
There are also a number of discounts available to players over the next few days, including 25 percent off all Moonshiner Properties, 30 percent off the Stew Pot and Weapons Locker, and five Gold Bars off the Bounty Hunter License, Butcher Table, and Collector’s Bag.
Finally, PlayStation Plus members can pick up three Free Mash Refills and Trader Resupplies this week.
Matt is one of the longest-serving members of the EGMNOW team. An ability to go many hours without sleep and a quick wit make him ideal for his role as associate editor at He often thinks back to the days when the very idea of this career seemed like nothing but an impossible dream.