Red Dead Online Collectors get some bonus rewards this month
Rockstar has revealed the bonuses and discounts available to Red Dead Online players during the month of August.
This month, Collectors are the focus with double RDO$ and XP available for all Collector Set Sales as well as 42 rounds of Buckshot Incendiary Shotgun Ammo for collecting a fossil every week this month.
Additionally, players can grab the Collector Coin Treasure Map for logging in, a Collector Tarot Card Treasure Map for completing any Collector Free Roam Event, and the following rewards for completing a Weekly Collection each week:
- August 2nd – August 8th: The “Shoot the Sky” Emote
- August 9th – August 15th: A pair of Griffith Chaps
- August 16th – August 22nd: A pair of Range Gloves
- August 23rd – August 29th: An Eberhart Coat
- August 30th – September 5th: The “Get Over Here” Emote
Other available rewards include double RDO$, Gold, and XP from Free Roam missions and The Ember of the East Blood Money Opportunity, double rewards from A Land of Opportunities Missions and on The Dockside Contract, and more Capitale from chests and enemies.
As for this week’s discounts, Dynamite, Fire Bottles, Hatchets, Tomahawks, and Rifle Ammo are reduced by 50 percent, and the Springfield Rifle, the Bolt Action Rifle, and the Metal Detector are discounted by 40 percent.
Finally, players who connect their Prime Gaming and Rockstar Games Social Club account before September 5th get five Gold Bars, five Gold Bars off the Collector’s Bag, and either the Redington (female) or The Zacateca (male) outfit.

Matt is one of the longest-serving members of the EGMNOW team. An ability to go many hours without sleep and a quick wit make him ideal for his role as associate editor at EGMNOW.com. He often thinks back to the days when the very idea of this career seemed like nothing but an impossible dream.