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Maurice’s Community Carnage Challenges begin in Borderlands 3 tomorrow

Gearbox Software is giving the Borderlands 3 community the chance to work together and unlock rewards through Maurice’s Community Carnage Challenges.

The first of these challenges is titled “Traunt’s Bloodied Bloodline” and begins on October 14th. For this challenge, Maurice is looking for body parts rich with Traunt Family DNA, so players need to kill Captain Traunt, General Traunt, and Captain Haunt a total of 500,000 times. There’s no need to accept a mission to take part, just get killing.

Completing these challenges unlocks a new set of wildlife-themed Vault Hunter Heads for all players. After the challenge is done, Gearbox will share a SHiFT code that grants the reward.

Borderlands 3 is available now on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Stadia.

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