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Latest trailer for The Surge 2 focuses on the story

Focus Home Interactive and Deck13 have shared a new trailer for upcoming sci-fi action RPG The Surge 2.

The game is set shortly after the deFrag nanovirus hits. Players awake after their plane is shot down to discover that Nano-cultists have taken over Jericho City, harvesting everything they can find.

“The government forces of A.I.D attempt to maintain a stranglehold on the city with violent means,” the publisher adds. “All the while, Athena, a girl with whom you have a special connection, leads you through the streets to a destination unknown.”

The sequel features the return of the dismemberment system, new weapons and gadgets, enhanced range combat, new enemies, and more.

The Surge 2 will be available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC from September 24th.

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