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Latest Fortnite update introduces the Air Strike

Epic Games has released its latest weekly update for Fortnite that introduces the new Air Strike item.

This new addition allows players to throw a smoke canister that will call down missiles 120 meters above the canister within a nine-meter radius that will each deal 75 damage to players and 200 damage to structures. Ait Strike can be found in floor loot, Supply Drops, Vending Machines, and Llamas, and drop in stacks of one.

Moving onto Save the World. This week, players are getting the Double Trouble Wargames Simulation and the De-Atomizer 9000 weapon, which will be introduced to the Weekly Store tomorrow, July 10th.

Read the full patch notes here.

Fortnite is available now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PC, iOS, and Android.

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