Hitman 3’s April roadmap reveals the game’s first Elusive Target
Hitman 3‘s Season of Greed is well under way, and IO Interactive has released its April roadmap, revealing the game’s first Elusive Target.
That would be The Collector, who’s showing up in Dartmoor on April 9th. Like any Elusive Target, he’ll be visiting the grounds for just 10 days, and you’ll have only one chance to assassinate him.
The other Elusive Target arriving this month is a returning one. The Politician will once again be in Hitman 2‘s Hawke’s Bay starting on April 23rd. Luckily for players who downloaded the Free Starter Pack, Hawke’s Bay is included in that package so you can try your hand at an Elusive Target even if you don’t own Hitman 2.
April will also introduce Featured Contracts from the Two Angry Gamers, who really like hammers, on April 15th and Achievement Hunter on May 8th. Finally, a new Escalation called the Jinzhen Incident is launching for Chongqing on April 29th.
Meanwhile, the Berlin Egg Hunt is still available until April 12th.
Following the Season of Greed, which ends on May 9th, Hitman 3 will receive its next major patch on May 10th. The patch will usher in the Season of Sin’s new content and bring bug fixes and improvements.

Hitman 3 is out now for Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Switch, Stadia, and PC.

Michael Goroff has written and edited for EGM since 2017. You can follow him on Twitter @gogogoroff.