Hidden Gems Sale now live on the PlayStation Store

The Hidden gems Sale is now live on the PlayStation Store, offering up to 75 percent off a number of PlayStation 4 titles.

During this latest sale, Remedy Entertainment’s Control is down to $29.99, Destiny 2’s Shadowkeep expansion is discounted to $20.99, Power Rangers fighting game Battle for the Grid is available for $9.99, and Yakuza 3, 4, and 5 Remastered are discounted to $19.99.

Other deals include Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night for $19.99, the Don’t Starve Mega Pack for $10.79, Risk of Rain 2 for $14.99, and The Surge for $5.99.

The Hidden Gems Sale will be live until May 20th. A full list of available deals can be found over on the PlayStation Blog.