Delayed kung fu game Sifu now slightly less delayed
Sifu, the upcoming kung fu brawler from Absolver developer Sloclap, will launch a little sooner than we thought. Though the game had originally been announced as a 2021 release, in July the studio pushed the game to February 22nd, 2022. But with the most recent change, the game will now arrive two weeks earlier, on February 8th.
The announcement came via the game’s official Twitter account, without much in the way of a explanation.
Still, it’s not hard to imagine why Sifu might want to ditch February 22nd. Since Slocap initially announced that date as a target, the second half of February has gotten mighty crowded. Horizon Forbidden West arrives on the 18th, Destiny 2: The Witch Queen on the 22nd, and Elden Ring on February 25th. Coming in a few weeks sooner should give Sifu more of a chance to stand out.
To celebrate the new date, Sloclap also released a pair of new gameplay videos. The first details the game’s combat system, which includes a parry system, combos, and a balance meter for both you and enemies (similar to, say Sekiro or Dark Souls). There’s a huge emphasis on controlling space by staying mobile and redirecting your opponents’ momentum, plus the ability to charge up and unleash focus attacks and pick up weapons from the environment. It looks pretty meaty in the overview.
Next up is a look at the game’s neat aging system. Essentially, every time you die, you’ll be able to level up your skills and come back as a slightly older (and hopefully wiser) version of yourself. But as in real life, there’s an upper limit to how old you can get, and once you die for real you’ll need to start over—though you will keep the leads you’ve collected about the five assassins you’re trying to kill.
Sifu will come to PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Windows PC via the Epic Games Store.