Cris Tales demo arrives on Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch

A demo for JRPG Cris Tales launches today on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch (July 21st in Europe), publisher Modus Games has announced.

The demo, which released on Steam last month, allows players to experience the beginning of the game and meet main protagonist Crisbell and her companions Matias, Cristopher, and Willhelm. Players can also try out the game’s Colosseum mode, in which they will fight eight waves of enemies that increase in difficulty and end with a mini-boss fight.

The game follows the story of Crissbell, a newly awakened Time Mage who has the power to see into the past and change the future. Crissbell is on a mission to stop the powerful Time Empress and rewrite the world’s future with the help of her allies.

Cris Tales is scheduled to launch on November 17th for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PC, and Stadia.

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