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Crema bans almost 900 Temtem players

Crema, the developer behind massively multiplayer creature collector Temtem, has permanently banned around 900 players for cheating.

Originally, Crema stated that “bans are final” and that it would not “answer or review any ban appeal.” However, the developer later announced that it will now review ban appeals following feedback from players.

“The team spent all morning checking banned accounts and player accounts saying ‘they didn’t do anything illegal’,” the developer added. “We re-checked over 100 accounts. Every single one of them was a legit ban.”

Crema went on to clarify that players would not “get banned for casually finding a bug or an exploit” and that “only players intentionally and repeatedly ABUSING exploits are banned.”

“If you play in a regular way you’re OK,” the developer said. “We’ve made 100% sure before doing any bans and every data we’ve checked confirms that.”

Temtem launched for PC via Steam Early Access last month. The current plan is to keep the game in early access until Q2 or Q3 of 2021.

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