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Civilization VI’s Great Commanders Pack is now available

Firaxis Games has released the second part of Civilization VI’s Leader Pass known as the Great Commanders Pack.

This pack introduces Tokugawa for Japan, Nader Shah for Persia, and Suleiman the Magnificent for the Ottoman Empire. Get a quick rundown of each leader’s abilities below:

Tokugawa (Japan)

  • (Base game only) International Trade Routes receive -25% Yield and Tourism, but Domestic Trade Routes provide +1 Culture, +1 Science, and +2 Gold for every Specialty District at the Destination.
  • (Base game only) Cities within 6 tiles of Japan’s capital receive +4 Amenities and after researching Flight receive +1 Tourism for every District.
  • (With Rise and Fall or Gathering Storm DLC) International Trade Routes receive -25% Yield and Tourism, but Domestic Trade Routes provide +1 Culture, +1 Science, and +2 Gold for every Specialty District at the Destination.
  • (With Rise and Fall or Gathering Storm DLC) Cities within 6 tiles of Japan’s capital are 100% loyal and after researching Flight receive +1 Tourism for every District.

Nader Shah (Persia)

  • +5 Combat Strength when attacking full Health Units.
  • Cities not founded by Nader Shah receive +2 Faith and +3 Gold on Domestic Trade Routes.

Suleiman the Magnificent (Ottoman Empire)

  • +15% Science and Culture when in a Golden Age or Heroic Age.
  • +4 Combat Strength when not in a Golden Age or Heroic Age against Civilizations who are also not in a Golden Age or Heroic Age.

The Civilization VI Leader Pass includes 12 new leaders and six variants who will be delivered through six DLC packs.

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