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Borderlands 3 True Trials event will buff Proving Ground Trials bosses

Borderlands 3’s True Trials mini-event begins today with the True Trial of Survival, Gearbox Software has announced.

In this six-week series of mini-events, one of the game’s Proving Ground Trials will be selected to become a True Trial. When this happens, the final boss of the trial will receive a huge buff to their damage and health that goes into the billions.

“Without a top-tier build and loot, it’s going to get rough in there—so newer players may want to avoid whichever Proving Grounds Trial has been selected for that week’s mini-event, as the boss buffs can’t be deactivated for that weekly duration,” the developer added.

Players who successfully defeat the boss will be rewarded with two legendary items that have been handpicked by the development team. The first of these will be from the base Borderlands 3 game, while the other comes from one of the game’s DLCs. Additionally, the chest at the end of each week’s True Trial will be full of legendaries.

The first True Trial begins today, May 13th at 9 a.m. PT and will reward players with The Lob and Lucky 7 from Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot.

Gearbox also revealed that Borderlands 3’s Revenge of the Cartels event will be returning to the game on June 24th.

Borderlands 3 is available now on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Stadia.

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