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Bless Unleashed’s Salamander Solstice begins

Bless Unleashed players can now hunt down salamanders for rewards as part of the Salamander Solstice.

“A rite of Summer in Lumios includes the yearly swarm of salamanders where their numbers swell and they can be seen almost anywhere. Born with a magical fire that keeps their tails alight, this yearly explosion in their population can lead to burned acres of fields or homes as the salamanders find places to hide,” community manager Shaun Brodie wrote in an Xbox Wire post. “Turning a negative into a positive, the Federation hosts a yearly festival, the Salamander Solstice, to encourage the people to hunt the salamanders with fabulous seasonal rewards and festive fireworks.”

During the event, players will be able to hunt down and defeat salamanders to obtain Salamander Coins. These coins can be traded to Salamander Solstice Merchants in all major cities for Popsicles that offer special buffs, fireworks, and Salamander Solstice Chests. These chests contain a number of items, including Salamander Weapon Skins, the Beach Trip Swimsuit Costume, and the Beach Trip Headpiece Costume.

Salamanders also have a small chance to drop a Salamander Nest Map Fragment. Collect eight of these fragments and take them to the Salamander Solstice Cartographer to obtain a Salamander Nest Map that leads to a nest containing Salamander Coins and other rewards.

The Salamander Solstice will be live on Xbox One until August 12th.

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