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Apex Legends update nerfs the Devotion

Respawn Entertainment has released a new update for Apex Legends that includes Rampart fixes and balance adjustments for the Devotion.

The update reduces the Devotion’s damage from 17 to 16 per shot and increases its recoil. According to the developer, these are “quick changes” that it can make right now, but added that “more adjustments” will be made later.

Additionally, the amount of Devotions and Turbochargers that spawn on the ground has been reduced and the number of gold helms, backpacks, and incap shields in the game has also been reduced.

Other changes include fixes for the server disconnecting when Rampart places a wall, Rampart’s “Boom” finisher echoing across the map, and kill stat tracking for the R-99 not displaying correctly. Read the full patch notes below:

Addresses the following:

  • Rampart Amped Wall client error in softened gore locales
  • Fix a server error causing immediate disconnects when Rampart puts down a wall
  • Fix an error caused in some instances where a player is on Rampart’s turret when it is destroyed
  • Issue around specific Bloodhound skin getting a stretched neck while using Rampart turret. We are still working on this issue for Lifeline’s Guardian Angel skin
  • Rampart’s “Boom” finisher line from playing across the map
  • Kill stat tracking for R-99 not displaying properly

Additionally, we are publishing a playlist update later today to do the following:

  • Reduce Devotion damage [17 -> 16] , and increases recoil – these are quick changes we can make now, more adjustments to Devotion that take more time to do will come later.
  • Reduce number of Devotions and Turbochargers spawned
  • Reduced number of gold helms, gold backpacks and gold incap shields

Xbox One and PC players already have this update, but PlayStation 4 players are going to have to wait a little while longer, as the developer is “still working” to get the patch out.

Apex Legends is available now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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